ROAD RAGE AM I the only person on the planet who understands what the Hell "Merging Traffic " means.It just seems to me that all the people on the highways today have all but burried their nose in the ass of the person driving in front of them. Know what I mean ? So for dicks sake damnitall have some COMMON SENSE PEOPLE !!!!!! Just leave a little room between you and the next car, and lets try and make it a little easier on the poor fool who is just now getting on the highway !!! ALSO....PEOPLE PLEASE...!! When you see a set of Blue lights flashing on the side of the road, Yes it is a police officer, Yes he is working, But for shits sake dont slam on your breaks , unless you happen to be speeding that is. For you see he happens to be busy at the moment with another Morron, and doesn't have time for you unless you draw unnecessary attention to yourself, like , say, slamming on your brakes for instance!!! |